Tag: Retirement Planning

Extraordinary Out Of The Ordinary, Part 3 (Ep. 35)

Extraordinary Out Of The Ordinary, Part 3 (Ep. 35)

For some reason, people think that experience equals traveling somewhere. But experiences are sometimes just making the extraordinary out of the ordinary. 

But ultimately you have to define what experiences mean to you.

In this episode, Bryan Sweet and Brittany Anderson discuss how to be intentional about the experiences you want to have in your life. They also explain how their resources and connections can help to eliminate all the reasons why your experiences are not going to happen, to live a more fulfilling life.

Bryan and Brittany discuss:

  • Two examples of Bryan’s most favorite experiences
  • How they help clients find those things that can give them experiences to satisfy that itch
  • Why you should be intentional about your desired experiences
  • If it’s not front of mind it’s less likely to happen
  • And more


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Living A Life Beyond Wealth Through Legacy and Purpose, Part 2 (Ep. 34)

Living A Life Beyond Wealth Through Legacy and Purpose, Part 2 (Ep. 34)

The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why. There’s been studies done that say if you lack purpose, your life expectancy is four to seven years less.

In this episode, Bryan Sweet and Brittany Anderson address why it’s so important to take the time to discover what motivates you, and gives you a sense of belonging. 

Bryan and Brittany discuss: 

  • What it means to have purpose in your life
  • How to prevent emotional or rash decision making
  • Being intentional about how you want people to feel because of your actions
  • How to get started on making your mark
  • And more


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Dreaming Big, Dreaming Bigger, and Dreaming Beyond (Ep.23)

Dreaming Big, Dreaming Bigger, and Dreaming Beyond (Ep.23)

You did it! You have gained and have been able to sustain your confidence. 

Now what can you do with it?

In this episode, Bryan and Brittany build off of previous ideas about gaining confidence by explaining what you can do once you have found confidence in your abilities to achieve the things you have been dreaming about. They also discuss strategies you can implement in your life to find the opportunities that can bring your dreams to life.

Bryan and Brittany discuss: 

  • How to find out what “dreaming big” means to you
  • Strategies to avoid stalemates and take action on your goals
  • How to find and create the opportunities that can make your goals come to life
  • How to maximize your ability to make conscious decisions in both your personal and financial life
  • And more


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How To Take Risks With Confidence (Ep.22)

How To Take Risks With Confidence (Ep.22)

Now that Bryan and Brittany have discussed why confidence is key, it’s time to learn how you can implement it into your professional and retired life to achieve your goals.

In this episode, Bryan Sweet and Brittany Anderson explain how you can find the confidence you need to take the necessary steps to create value and passion in what you put out into the world. They also share why creating a healthy amount of confidence during your career will help you find your purpose and meaning during your retired years.

Bryan and Brittany discuss: 

  • How you can incorporate confidence when you are taking any type of risk
  • How boosting your confidence can affect your potential and ability to achieve greater success
  • Why you shouldn’t just formulate a retirement plan, but a post-retirement plan
  • Why you should incorporate more self-care into your routine and how it can enhance your confidence 
  • And more


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Confidence Is Key (Ep.21)

Confidence Is Key (Ep.21)

You’ve heard the saying that “confidence is key”, but there is so much more to it than that!

In this episode, Bryan Sweet and Brittany Anderson go into depth about the influence of confidence on both your personal and professional lives. They also provide advice about how you can maximize the confidence you have in everyday life.

Bryan and Brittany discuss: 

  • Bryan’s newly published book “Dream Architecture: Build a Retirement Beyond What’s Possible”
  • The relationship between confidence and success
  • Finding the right people to help you find the right courses of action
  • The slippery slope of comparing your retirement to someone else’s
  • And more


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Combatting Doubt Within Your Career With Steve Ody (Ep.15)

Combatting Doubt Within Your Career With Steve Ody (Ep.15)

The way you perceive success can heavily influence how you find fulfillment in your work.

How can you find fulfillment when pursuing your passions?

In this episode, Brittany Anderson talks with Steve Ody, host of the Traveling Optimist podcast, to talk about creating “the dream life” and how you can pursue it within your career.

Steve discusses: 

  • The inspiration behind his show and how he communicates his passion to listeners
  • The journey to creating the Traveling Optimist podcast and how it helped him pivot his business mindset during the pandemic
  • His inspiration perspective on success and how to find fulfillment in what you put out into the world
  • How to approach the feeling of doubt to take a chance within your career 
  • And more


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About Our Guest:

Steve Ody is an entrepreneur and is passionate about making a difference and building relationships for the long term.

He is results-driven and customer-focused, with a proven track record in developing and driving sales and marketing initiatives (off and online) to deliver sales, profit, and service targets in intensely competitive commercial environments. He is a first-class communicator, expert in developing and sustaining working relationships (internal and external) at senior levels across different sectors. He is also the host of the podcast series called the Traveling Optimist!

Navigating the Certainties and Uncertainties of Financial Planning (Ep. 14)

Navigating the Certainties and Uncertainties of Financial Planning (Ep. 14)

How often do you stress about things that you have zero control over?

For some reason, as humans, we seem to do this a lot.

In this episode, Brittany Anderson and Bryan Sweet discuss the struggle of internal and external uncertainties, particularly when planning your future. They also highlight some key resources to help you through these discouraging thoughts and emotions.

Bryan and Brittany discuss: 

  • How Dan Sullivan’s exercise turns uncertainties into certainties
  • Why internal and external uncertainties need to be addressed differently
  • Wealth advisors’ ability to help mitigate your uncertainties in financial markets
  • How communication can alleviate the struggle of internal uncertainty
  • And more


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How to Build a Life of Significance (Ep.13)

How to Build a Life of Significance (Ep.13)

What does a life of significance mean to you? 

In this episode, Bryan and Brittany discuss how they care about being a part of your life in a bigger capacity during the good and bad transitions. They also explain how the best way to predict the future is to create it yourself with the help of an accountability partner.

Bryan and Brittany discuss: 

  • How a financial advisor can become your accountability partner
  • Why it’s important to think about what your future holds
  • What it means to live a life of significance
  • The value that they can deliver and how the price tag becomes insignificant
  • And more


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