Tag: Motivation

REPLAY: How To Better Discover Your Value (Ep.56)

REPLAY: How To Better Discover Your Value (Ep.56)

Life often becomes a whirlwind, leaving us feeling overwhelmed with countless interests and commitments.

But what if we shifted our perspective? Instead of trying to juggle everything, focus on a select few things you’re truly committed to.

In this replay, Bryan Sweet and Brittany Anderson delve into the process of defining your next life phase. Discover how aligning with your values and passions can shape your journey forward.

Bryan and Brittany discuss: 

  • The value of knowing the difference between being interested in something versus truly committing to it
  • The concept of “pick three” 
  • Benefits of a supportive network that understands and encourages your pursuits
  • Real experiences of taking action and having a positive mindset
  • And more


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How to Take a Proactive Stance on Your Well-Being (Ep. 43)

How to Take a Proactive Stance on Your Well-Being (Ep. 43)

We’ve said it before, we’re saying it again now, and we’ll say it even more in the future:

Health is a priceless wealth.

In this episode, Bryan Sweet and Brittany Anderson discuss their recent health and longevity immersive event. They explain that the event was created to address common issues their clients face, such as health & longevity, purpose, legacy, and experiences. 

Bryan and Brittany emphasize the connection between health and wealth, stating that good health is essential for a meaningful life. They also discuss the importance of proactive healthcare and prevention. 

Bryan & Brittany discuss: 

  • The role of proactive healthcare in your retirement plan and how to implement it
  • Recent advancements in medical technology and when you should ask your doctor about them
  • Sweet Financial’s health and longevity immersive event: What it’s all about and how you register for their upcoming date!
  • Personal client stories of realizing the relationship between health and wealth
  • And more


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How Core Values Shape Your Identity and Influence Your Growth with Carrie Campbell (Ep. 42)

How Core Values Shape Your Identity and Influence Your Growth with Carrie Campbell (Ep. 42)

What narratives from your past do you find yourself holding onto that may not serve your future? Let’s take a moment to reflect on that.

In this episode, Brittany Anderson chats with Carrie Campbell, a skilled clinical counselor with a strong grasp of mindset and emotional intelligence. Together they discuss the importance of aligning your values with goals and decisions, examining external influences, and consciously choosing values that serve your authentic self. 

Carrie also emphasizes the significance of core values in personal and professional settings and the power of introspection and self-reflection for personal growth!

Carrie discusses: 

  • How experiences shape the way you view yourself and the world and how that can positively and negatively impact your attitude
  • The process of “de-influencing”: How implementing it sparks personal growth
  • Money stories: What they are and how to rewrite the negative ones
  • The four pillars of mindset and how to implement them within your everyday
  • And more


Connect With Carrie Campbell:

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About Carrie Campbell:

Carrie Campbell is a clinical counselor and has worked with populations ranging from children with special needs and addicts to high-performing corporate executives and celebrities from the worlds of entertainment and sport. Her current list of personal clients includes NBA superstars, nine figure corporate executives and individuals working through addiction.

She has spoken on stages worldwide as an expert in mindset and emotional intelligence. Having co-developed the landmark system “Eliminate Your Limits”, a process that New York Times bestselling author, Dr. Benjamin Hard referred to as the most scientifically valid mindset system on the planet. Carrie wrote the Amazon bestselling book, “People Pleasing Nearly Killed Me” which sat at number one on the stress management category for nearly three months after its release in 2016.

She’s also a wife, a mother of two young adults, two French Bulldogs, and is a professional fitness competitor placing third in the world in 2001. Her personal life goals are happiness, impact, and mastery, and strives to teach and share that with the women in her Unstoppable Woman project as well.

An Entrepreneur’s Guide: Building A Business You’ll Love For The Rest Of Your Life With Mike Koenigs (Ep. 40)

An Entrepreneur’s Guide: Building A Business You’ll Love For The Rest Of Your Life With Mike Koenigs (Ep. 40)

Having a successful business doesn’t always mean someone has found fulfillment. Sometimes their business isn’t impacting the parts of life or the people they intended it to.

In this episode, Brittany Anderson talks with Mike Koenigs, an entrepreneur who collaborates with other entrepreneurs to create a business they’ll love for the rest of their life. 

Mike reflects on his experience working with limiting entrepreneurial mindsets and walks you through how to push past these feelings of stagnation.

Mike discusses: 

  • His 4 question approach and how it can narrow down your desires and goals
  • How he helps business owners and entrepreneurs push past feelings of stagnation
  • The power of moving yourself away from people who don’t keep their word and fail to show up (moving past self-sabotaging behavior)
  • The preventative measures you should take to get yourself re-focused on your business goals and aspirations
  • And more


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About Mike Koenigs:

Mike Koenigs is a serial Entrepreneur, judge on Entrepreneur.com’s “Elevator Pitch”, Forbes and Entrepreneur Writer, 13x Bestselling Author, Mike Koenigs helps “Experts Build Empires” and “Category of One” brands. He works with entrepreneurs to elevate their status, authority, thought-leadership and message to create more impact, income and freedom. 

His companies have helped over 61,000 customers in 156 countries get noticed, amplify their message, create awareness, gain attention and engagement so they attract better customers who spend more.

He co-hosts the “Capability Amplifier” podcast with Strategic Coach founder, and author of “Who, Not How” and “The Gap and the Gain” author, Dan Sullivan and “The Big Leap” podcast with NYT Bestselling author Gay Hendricks.

He’s a regular contributor and columnist for Entrepreneur and Forbes magazines and interviewed, consulted and advised celebrity clients, billionaires and bestselling authors including Tony Robbins, Paula Abdul, Richard Dreyfuss, Dave Asprey, JJ Virgin, John Assaraf, Brian Tracy, XPrize founder Peter Diamandis, Jorge Cruise, Harvey Mackay, Daniel Amen and Darren Hardy.

How To Find Your WHY with Dr. Gary Sanchez (Ep. 39)

How To Find Your WHY with Dr. Gary Sanchez (Ep. 39)

This episode in a nutshell: If what you do is in line with your WHY, your how, and your what, you will love doing it. You’ll have unlimited energy for it.

In this episode, Brittany Anderson speaks with Dr. Gary Sanchez, international speaker, author, dentist, and inventor, to discuss how you can discover why you like to do what you like to do and how you can bring it to life.

This is what Gary calls the WHY Operating System.

Gary discusses: 

  • What made him realize he needed to stick out from others in his field and how you can do the same
  • His “light bulb moment” that made him want to expand his career beyond being a dentist
  • Your WHY Operating System – Why you do what you do, how you bring it to life, and what others can count on you for
  • The tools he has made to help you discover what is going to be fulfilling in your next chapter of life (marriage, retirement, switching to a different career)
  • And more


Connect With Gary Sanchez:

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About Our Guest:

Gary Sanchez is an international speaker, author, dentist, and inventor who “figured out why”. He’s best known for discovering the “9 Whys”, developing the WHY.os, which is the WHY Operating System, founder of the WHY Institute, and creating the world’s first WHY discovery tool to help people accurately and quickly discover their WHY in under 5 minutes.

Dr. Sanchez’s personal journey takes him from successful dentist to being “WHY obsessed”, to helping hundreds of thousands discover their WHY to creating software to impact 1 billion people. Yes, 1 billion. In 2021, WHY Institute launched the WHY.os discovery, which discovers your why, how, and what, and creates your personal brand message for you.

The Power of Having One More Question To Ask Yourself, Part 3 (Ep. 32)

The Power of Having One More Question To Ask Yourself, Part 3 (Ep. 32)

This is part 3 of our three part series about our findings in the book “The Power of One More” by Ed Mylett!

In this episode, Bryan and Brittany discuss why you may be the biggest thing standing in your own way. They discuss things like how you can analyze your old ways of thinking so you can develop newer, healthier habits.

Bryan and Brittany discuss: 

  • How to analyze your thought process and question the things you think to be true about yourself
  • How different emotions can influence how you view yourself and your value
  • Why you can teach an old dog new tricks
  • The right questions to ask yourself when developing thought patterns that can bring you closer to your goals
  • And more


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Eliminating Your Limiting Beliefs and Enhancing Your Self-Talk, Part 2 (Ep.31)

Eliminating Your Limiting Beliefs and Enhancing Your Self-Talk, Part 2 (Ep.31)

A lot of people carry baggage with them throughout their life without even realizing how it is limiting their potential.

Do you have baggage that you want to leave behind?

In this episode, Bryan Sweet and Brittany Anderson discuss how you can unleash your full potential and overcome the weight of your past, limiting beliefs, negative self-talk and so much more!

Bryan and Brittany discuss:  

  • How you can discover your full potential, identity, and capabilities
  • How you can eliminate limiting statements like “I’m too old” from your vocabulary
  • The healthy process of forgiveness and how that can help you find your potential
  • How they have let go of tough events and memories from the past to build a better future
  • And more


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How To Better Discover Your Value (Ep.24)

How To Better Discover Your Value (Ep.24)

Life can get really busy, really fast which can make it difficult to juggle all the things you are interested in.

But what if we told you it’s not about juggling everything you are interested in, but about establishing a smaller list of things that you are committed to doing.

In this episode, Bryan Sweet and Brittany Anderson discuss how you can establish what the next phase of your life looks like by reflecting on both your value systems and your personal interests.

Bryan and Brittany discuss: 

  • How to combat the overwhelming feeling of imposter syndrome
  • Discovering your next step in life and what purpose it serves 
  • The difference between being interested in something and being committed to it
  • How to find and establish your value and support systems 
  • And more


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Confidence Is Key (Ep.21)

Confidence Is Key (Ep.21)

You’ve heard the saying that “confidence is key”, but there is so much more to it than that!

In this episode, Bryan Sweet and Brittany Anderson go into depth about the influence of confidence on both your personal and professional lives. They also provide advice about how you can maximize the confidence you have in everyday life.

Bryan and Brittany discuss: 

  • Bryan’s newly published book “Dream Architecture: Build a Retirement Beyond What’s Possible”
  • The relationship between confidence and success
  • Finding the right people to help you find the right courses of action
  • The slippery slope of comparing your retirement to someone else’s
  • And more


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