Tag: Brittany Anderson

How To Change Your “How’s” Into “Whos” (Ep.12)

How To Change Your “How’s” Into “Whos” (Ep.12)

When approaching big life decisions, people often look to the logistics of “how” can I achieve this end result rather than “who” can help me get there. 

This mindset shift can transform the way you approach change, widening your scope and allowing you to take a step back and realize that you do not always have to be an expert in everything you do. 

In this episode, Bryan and Brittany focus on how seeking help from experts outside of your position in every aspect of your life can help in ways you never imagined, so that you can get back to doing what you love most. 

Bryan and Brittany discuss:

  • The concept of who rather than how
  • How asking for help can be an empowering step to achieving your goals
  • How you can create the right mindset to achieve your goals without your expectations weighing you down
  • The importance of allocating time to what makes you happy to create your dream lifestyle
  • And more


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Achieving the Life You Deserve (Ep.11)

Achieving the Life You Deserve (Ep.11)

Sometimes it can feel like you are one of the biggest obstacles in the way when pursuing your personal goals. So how can you change your thinking and become your biggest supporter?

This episode is all about self-belief and supporting yourself when pursuing personal, financial, or career-related goals.

Bryan and Brittany also share the importance of self-reflection and how it contributes to obtaining personal desires without feeling guilty about acquiring them, even when you have worked extremely hard to achieve them.

Bryan and Brittany discuss:

  • Imposter syndrome–what it is and how to overcome it
  • The power of self-belief and how you should look at your future with two words– You. Deserve.
  • The guilt factor when rewarding yourself for hard work and how the right people will celebrate with you
  • Strategies for moving closer to what you want in life
  • And more

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Creating an Environment You Can’t Wait to Wake Up To, Part Two (Ep.10)

Creating an Environment You Can’t Wait to Wake Up To, Part Two (Ep.10)

Deciding whether or not someone adds value to your life is not at all meant to be a judgmental process. 

This process is meant to evaluate how these people make you feel and whether or not they support you when making positive decisions to better your life.

In this part-two episode, Bryan and Brittany focus deeply on curating healthy relationships and learning about how they can influence your ability to achieve immense personal growth.

Bryan and Brittany discuss:

  • The influence of key relationships in your life and how they affect your overall path in life
  • Dealing with guilt when eliminating negative people from your life
  • How to have those tough conversations with the people who negatively influence you
  • How to discover whether or not the people around you are limiting your growth
  • And more

Connect With Sweet Financial Partners:

Creating an Environment You Can’t Wait to Wake Up To (Ep.9)

Creating an Environment You Can’t Wait to Wake Up To (Ep.9)

A key influencer in achieving financial success is surrounding yourself with people who will promote and inspire you throughout your journey.

In this episode, Bryan Sweet and Brittany Anderson discuss the process of deciphering between the people who motivate you to continuously pursue your goals and those who tend to drain that motivation out of you. 

Bryan and Brittany discuss:

  • The importance of surrounding yourself with people who have good intentions in their relationship with you
  • The importance of protecting your peace of mind and navigating your personal relationships
  • The experience of being surrounded by people who make you feel energized or like you could “walk on the moon”, and how these people add value to accomplishing your goals
  • The process of contributing financially to something and how that adds value to your own financial success
  • And more

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Overcoming Discouraging Environments (Ep.8)

Overcoming Discouraging Environments (Ep.8)

Sometimes there isn’t a lot you can do about the negativity surrounding you, however, there are some things you can do to limit the effects of it.

In this episode, Bryan Sweet, CLU®, ChFC® and Brittany Anderson share their personal experiences with discouraging environments and dealing with negative commentary from others. Whether you’re dealing with negative environments at home or in the workplace, it can take a massive toll on your ability to maintain perseverance. 

Bryan and Brittany discuss: 

  • The hardship of learning to overcome negative commentary and why you need to eliminate it from your daily life
  • Allowing yourself to become conscious about being in a negative environment and recognizing the characteristics one
  • The importance of creating and maintaining healthy support systems
  • The long-term impacts of negativity on your personal aspirations and goals
  • And more!


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Stop Letting Others Should on You (Ep.7)

Stop Letting Others Should on You (Ep.7)

Don’t let someone else’s limiting belief in themselves hinder you from pursuing what you want and what you deem as valuable to you. 

If you are hungry for a bigger future, go for it!

In this inspirational episode, Bryan Sweet, CLU®, ChFC® and Brittany Anderson explain why you want to spend your time with individuals who give you the courage, opportunity and reinforcement to take the best pathway for yourself. Also, why you should determine your own core values and chase after them during your lifetime.

Bryan and Brittany discuss:

  • How naysayers can affect your future
  • Three principles to consider when making a life decision
  • Why it is helpful to have a non-biased accountability partner in your life
  • And more!


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Planning for the Unexpected (Ep.6)

Planning for the Unexpected (Ep.6)

There are a lot of unknowns in life, which can make long-term financial planning difficult. How do you prepare for all of the uncertainty that comes with each of the transitional phases in your life?

In this episode, Bryan Sweet and Brittany Anderson discuss the many financial uncertainties at each stage of your life no matter how extensive your plan. But there’s ways to minimize the risk of facing financial hardships in the future which will help reduce repercussions to your finances.  

Bryan and Brittany discuss:

  • How to prepare for the unpredictable situations that happen
  • The struggle between spouses with differing financial goals and strategies
  • How life’s transitional stages can introduce new financial obstacles
  • The financial certainty and uncertainty of your future
  • And more!


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Tackling Uncertainty in Financial Decisions (Ep. 5)

Tackling Uncertainty in Financial Decisions (Ep. 5)

Sometimes our biggest stress comes from indecision, big and small. By making a really hard decision now you can move forward in your life in a different way.

In this episode, Bryan and Brittany discuss the topic of indecisiveness and the importance of taking responsibility when making financial decisions. They also share how the commonality of fear can impact your life.

Bryan and Brittany discuss:

  • Deciding what you want in life
  • The consequences of the phrase ‘I don’t care’
  • Indecision with finances happening in households
  • Easing the fears of big financial decisions
  • And more!


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The Toolkit for Visionaries (Ep.4)

The Toolkit for Visionaries (Ep.4)

Do you know how to get on the right path to achieve your goals? Achieving those goals is extremely hard if you cannot lay them out to the people who can and want to help you.

In this episode, Bryan Sweet and Brittany Anderson pivot into conversation about vision and deciding on what you want your money to do for you. Bryan and Brittany share the important tools and resources to help you create your own vision!

Bryan and Brittany discuss:

  • Why you may want to consider creating a vision board for your goals
  • Sweet Financial’s role in client success
  • The role of an accountability partner in achieving your goals
  • Longevity issues within retirement and retirement planning
  • And more!


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Envisioning Possibility for Your Future (Ep.3)

Envisioning Possibility for Your Future (Ep.3)

Possibility comes to those who create it. 

What does possibility mean to you? How do you maximize your personal possibilities?

In this episode, Bryan Sweet and Brittany Anderson dive deeper into the concept of possibility and what it means to them. They build off of the idea of life happening for you rather than happening to you. While also sharing some personal stories about their clients and how they achieved their possibilities.

Bryan and Brittany discuss:

  • Dreaming beyond today to envision your future
  • The big benefit of giving up something today for your benefit down the road
  • Setting the right mindset and timeframe for your plan
  • The vision for the future episodes
  • And more!


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