Tag: Legacy

Living A Life Beyond Wealth Through Legacy and Purpose, Part 2 (Ep. 34)

Living A Life Beyond Wealth Through Legacy and Purpose, Part 2 (Ep. 34)

The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why. There’s been studies done that say if you lack purpose, your life expectancy is four to seven years less.

In this episode, Bryan Sweet and Brittany Anderson address why it’s so important to take the time to discover what motivates you, and gives you a sense of belonging. 

Bryan and Brittany discuss: 

  • What it means to have purpose in your life
  • How to prevent emotional or rash decision making
  • Being intentional about how you want people to feel because of your actions
  • How to get started on making your mark
  • And more


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